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ATL - One Man Testing

The UK MoT test is at last coming into line with Europe, as one-man testing becomes a reality. From October, equipment for automated test lanes (ATL) should be on the market, enabling MoT stations to apply for one-man test status. The GEA are presently checking and approving equipment on behalf of VOSA. It is expected that most new test bays will go ATL as the relatively small extra cost saves the need for an assistant, but this remains optional at present.

Additionally many existing bays will upgrade, particularly those handling 20 or more tests per week. "If a testing station can save using an assistant for just two hours a day and employ that person on servicing and repairs charged at say £40/hr, then there's £400 extra each week right there" says UK Sales Manager Mr John Powell. "Plus of course extra profit on parts.

It really is an exceptional opportunity for MoT stations although the cost of upgrading will depend on existing equipment to some extent. For example, some lifts may need changing, but premises using pits obviously will save here, and some RBT's cannot be upgraded".

VOSA have published the final equipment specification and manufacturers are putting final touches to their designs and engineering. The approval process is under way and the list of acceptable equipment should be available on schedule.

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