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O3-NEX is ≥ 99.7% Effective Against Covid-19

Official laboratory testing reveals that Boston's O3-NEX professional sanitiser is ≥ 99.683% effective in eliminating the infectious activity of COVID-19. 

Boston’s O3-NEX is a professional sanitising machine that generates ozone to kill viruses and bacteria. Numerous studies have long proven the efficacy of ozone as a natural biocide but up until now no controlled studies existed to prove its effectiveness against Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19). 

In order to provide such evidence, the Italian company MAHLE that manufactures the O3-NEX instructed a laboratory accredited by the Italian Ministry of Health to evaluate the O3-NEX and determine its disinfectant efficacy against Covid-19.

O3-NEX Sanitiser

The results of laboratory testing were published on 22nd October 2020 and reveal that the O3-NEX is extremely effective in the fight against Coronavirus:

“Based on the results obtained, it has been verified that the P1 cycle performed by the MAHLE VCT OZONE GENERATOR [O3-NEX] causes a reduction in infectious activity of ≥ 99,683%”

The report continued by saying:

“This result specifically confirms the effectiveness of the treatments carried out with the MAHLE VCT Ozone Generator [O3-NEX] product and contributes in general to demonstrating the virucidal action of ozone against the Coronavirus”.

For full details you can download the complete test report which includes the experiment parameters, procedures, results and conclusions.

Protect your team and your customers with the O3-NEX

Boston’s O3-NEX is ideal for sanitising vehicles, offices and other indoor areas such as hotel rooms, classrooms, etc. that can be sealed off during the process.

Simple and safe to use, the O3-NEX is 100% environmentally friendly and suitable for use on all surfaces including textiles. In addition to its disinfectant properties, it's also highly effective in neutralising bad odours such tobacco and removing moulds, fungi, and dust mites.

Given the current climate the O3-NEX is a great way to reassure your customers that your vehicles / premises are safe. Included among the many companies who have already purchased a Boston O3-NEX are taxi firms, garages, MOT Stations, and camper van rental businesses.

Where to buy? 

The good news is that we currently have the O3-NEX back in stock and priced at just £545.00 + VAT. If you'd like to find out more or place an order, you can call us on 01708 525585 or send us a message using our enquiry form.

Boston O3-NEX Vehicle Sanitiser

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